

















 More Than One Story                                                                 more


 During the autumn of 2011 Swedish television broadcasted the Nigerian writer Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s lecture
 entitled "The Danger of a Single Story", talking about the danger that arises when people hear only a single story

 about a country, a culture, a group or an individual. She stated how important it is for us to have more than one story  about each other in  order to avoid prejudice, segregation and racism. These thoughts inspired the staff of the  Department of Culture and Leisure of Simrishamn, Sweden, to develop a practical method of working actively for
 integration, understanding, healthy curiosity and respect between people of all  ages, backgrounds and cultures

 Method and Purpose

 Together with students and other members of the community of Simrishamn, we have developed a new card game,  More Than One Story. The first edition is in English and Swedish. Each card suggests a story which players can tell
 about themselves. Players take turns picking cards and then practice telling stories about themselves and listening
 to others tell their stories.

 Areas of Use

 While developing the game, we have played More Than One Story with students, teachers and  counselors at schools,  with youth visiting homes for the elderly, with staff and visitors at the local  youth center and library, as well as with
 mixed groups of all ages at our local cultural center. These pilot groups have provided us with useful input. Their  spontaneous reactions and reflections have convinced us that our game achieves its purpose of building bridges
 between people. Players  developed a greater appreciation of their classmates/workmates, seeing them in a different
 light.  The atmosphere of openness and sharing which was created by playing More Than One Story has touched
 many and encouraged us to invite others to join our project. Our goal is that More Than One Story will be distributed
 worldwide in many languages for the enrichment and benefit of all.

 Partner Organisations and Sponsors

 The Department of Culture and Leisure of Simrishamn, Sweden, is now distributing More Than One  Story to schools
 and other institutions which are using it to foster integration and contact between diverse groups in the community.
 We are also spreading More Than One Story as a gift to  associations and organizations while inviting a number of  groups to come to our cultural center to play together. We are training ambassadors for More Than One Story who  introduce the game at  schools, homes for the elderly, youth centers, and other places where people meet.
 These  ambassadors invite people at local events and conferences to play, inform them about our project and sell
 the card game to those interested. These ambassadors are also contacting potential partner  organizations and
 sponsors which can then work together with us to increase integration, understanding and people ’s well-being.
 Here is a link to the new video for the More Than One Story project which was shown at the awards ceremony in Bali.
 Here is a link picture of "More Than One Story" and the other finalists
 at the Intercultural Innovation Award ceremony at the UNAOC Global Forum in Bali.  More Than One Story
